Plan de Actividad Física para la Prevención de Problemas de Salud en la comunidad “La Carucieña”

Plan de Actividad Física para la Prevención de Problemas de Salud en la comunidad “La Carucieña”



plan de actividad física, prevención problemas de salud


The purpose of this research work was to propose a physical activity plan for the prevention of health problems in the "La Carucieña" community. It was developed with the positivist paradigm of quantitative research, under the special project modality in its phases: I, diagnosis, II, design of the proposal. The first step was to determine the need to develop the proposal, the subjects responded that they had a 100% need to receive information to develop it. The population was 50 older adults who will benefit from the implementation of the plan. The sample to know the needs of the facilitators was intentional, for this purpose 10 physical education teachers with a profile were selected to develop the elaborated content. The instrument was subjected to content validity, and its reliability with a pilot test, its responses evaluated with Richardson's Kuder coefficient gave a result of 0.73, which led to its application. It was possible to know that the population requires information on the systematic execution of physical activity, especially applicable to the elderly where major health problems occurred, such as: overweight, hypertension, muscle pain, therefore to this population and to the who managed to incorporate as a preventive means, activities in this area of ​​physical activity will be developed, capable of cooperating with problem solutions that affect the population under study.

Author Biography

Adriana Gioiello, docente - investigador

licda. Adriana Gioiello, Research teacher for more than 30 years, retired from the Ministry of Popular Power for Education. Active teacher: Mario Briceño Iragorry University Institute of Technology and the Samuel Robinson National Experimental University of Teaching. Degree: Doctor of Educational Sciences.



How to Cite

ALVARES, L., & Gioiello, A. (2023). Plan de Actividad Física para la Prevención de Problemas de Salud en la comunidad “La Carucieña” . Revista Digital La Pasión Del Saber, 13(24), 37–45. Retrieved from