Relationship of Philosophy with research in the Science of Architecture

Relationship of Philosophy with research in the Science of Architecture



Architectural Sciences, Philosophy, Research


The purpose of this article is to understand the relationship between philosophy and research in the science of architecture. Its content refers to philosophy from a perspective of social architecture, emphasizing that there is no unique concept of what philosophy is, but rather it is knowledge in progress. Thus, social architecture is a means of change in realities, while for philosophy, the discoveries of the scientific study of society are objects of verifiable knowledge about systems and not individual behavior. By treating research as a bridge for the development of architecture, it is recognized that the architect assumes a responsible position when carrying out a project and manages data to meet the needs of the actors of the architectural fact. The architect in the philosophical scenario recognizes the relevance of this science for society, tries to understand its meaning and function, reflecting on how it helps to create a better, comfortable and functional world; where man interacts with others, that is, designs so that the work is lived, felt and respected. The methodology used was qualitative, using hermeneutics as an alternative for research focused on textual interpretation. A documentary review was used to allow for a heuristic analysis of the sources. It is concluded that philosophy nourishes architecture in the search for substrates of knowledge.

Author Biography

José Ángel Machado Alvarado, Universidad José Antonio Páez, San Diego, Venezuela

Arquitecto. Instituto Universitario Politécnico Santiago Mariño, Magister en Educación Mención Gerencia. UBA. Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación.



How to Cite

Machado Alvarado, J. Ángel. (2024). Relationship of Philosophy with research in the Science of Architecture. Revista Digital La Pasión Del Saber, 14(26), 86–96. Retrieved from