Design and construction of a prototype of rover-type exploration vehicle for remote inspection in confined spaces or explosive environments.

Design and construction of a prototype of rover-type exploration vehicle for remote inspection in confined spaces or explosive environments.



Exploration vehicle, Rover, Inspection


The present research work consists of the design and construction of a Rover-type exploration vehicle, to carry out inspections in spaces that represent a risk to the health and integrity of the inspectors, focused on confined or possibly explosive spaces due to the presence of different flammable or reactive elements in its atmosphere, for this, a detailed study was carried out of all the components and elements that make up the Exploration Rover, a study was carried out of the mechanical stresses to which the prototype will be subjected To establish the material along with the measurements and geometry that it will have, the functions and components that the equipment has were established and the electronic and electrical components that are used to fulfill these functions were analyzed. The research design is a special project, since its main objective is the construction of a prototype exploration vehicle. In addition, there is a documentary and field type research design, since data referring to the needs in the inspection area were collected, working at a descriptive research level. The strategies and tools used to collect data included direct observation through checklists and anecdotal records, as well as structured interviews supported by notebooks and predefined scripts. In addition, data analysis tools, documentary review and other instruments necessary to achieve the established objectives were used.

Author Biographies

Gabriela Beatriz Nieto Sánchez, Universidad José Antonio Páez, San Diego, Venezuela

Ingeniero Mecánico egresado de la Universidad José Antonio Páez.

Manuel Alejandro Tablante Rodríguez, Universidad José Antonio Páez, San Diego, Venezuela

Ingeniero Mecánico egresado de la Universidad José Antonio Páez.

Fredy Barragán Suescún, Universidad José Antonio Páez, San Diego, Venezuela

Ingeniero Mecánico egresado de la Universidad de Carabobo, PhD. En Educación.



How to Cite

Nieto Sánchez, G. B., Tablante Rodríguez, M. A., & Barragán Suescún, F. (2025). Design and construction of a prototype of rover-type exploration vehicle for remote inspection in confined spaces or explosive environments. Revista Digital La Pasión Del Saber, 15(27), 133–148. Retrieved from