Orthopedic treatment in patients with nasal respiratory failure treated at the UJAP orthodontic and orthopedic clinic.

Orthopedic treatment in patients with nasal respiratory failure treated at the UJAP orthodontic and orthopedic clinic.



Orthopedic appliance, Bimler type A, flat composite plates, nasal respiratory failure, pediatric patients


In those patients where breathing tends to take place through the oral cavity, a series of side effects occur, ranging from receiving air loaded with impurities, thus being deficient, to more complex effects capable of producing effects on the jaws, muscles and the individual in general. However, thanks to dentofacial orthopedics and the use of fixed or removable orthopedic appliances, the oral structure can be modified for correct breathing. A research work is reported where the effectiveness of orthopedic appliances in the treatment of nasal respiratory insufficiency in pediatric patients who attended the clinical area of Orthodontics and Orthopedics of the UJAP during 2023 was evaluated. Through a descriptive investigation with a field phase, the clinical histories were analyzed by direct observation. The sample corresponded to 24 child patients between 6-11 years of age. A majority of female patients between 8 and 10 years of age were observed with a prevalence of Class II division 1 malocclusion, open bite and mouth breathing as the most frequent parafunctional habit. Two clinical cases were selected where treatment with Bimler type A functional appliances and flat plates was evident, applying functional forces, thus demonstrating its effectiveness and changes in Class II division 1 malocclusion; thus improving the patients' breathing.

Author Biographies

Amanda Rincón Pérez, Universidad José Antonio Páez, San Diego, Venezuela

Odontólogo Universidad José Antonio Páez

Beatriz Acosta, Universidad José Antonio Páez, San Diego, Venezuela

Odontólogo Universidad José Antonio Páez.

Cruz Gómez, Universidad José Antonio Páez, San Diego, Venezuela

Odontólogo. Especialista en Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Dentofacial. Universidad de Carabobo.



How to Cite

Rincón Pérez, A., Acosta, B., & Gómez, C. (2025). Orthopedic treatment in patients with nasal respiratory failure treated at the UJAP orthodontic and orthopedic clinic. Revista Digital La Pasión Del Saber, 15(27), 149–162. Retrieved from https://lapasiondelsaber.ujap.edu.ve/index.php/lapasiondelsaber-ojs/article/view/333