A tour of the FECACSO 2024 Pre-Congress Events and their impact on the Scientific Community.

A tour of the FECACSO 2024 Pre-Congress Events and their impact on the Scientific Community.



Pre-congress events, Fecacso, Occupational Health, Occupational Physicians, Interdisciplinarity


This writing essay shows a review of the “FECACSO Route” as group of activities prior to the XII Congress of Occupational Health of the Central American and Caribbean Federation of Occupational Health (FECACSO )2024, giving it a profile of great interest for the scientific, academic, and business community, as a sample of great relevance for the community of influence. In order to generate expectations in those interested and promote participation in the congress, within the framework of this edition, based in Venezuela, pre-congress events were organized, materialized in three academic days called “FECACSO Route”, where some of the current challenges of Occupational Health in the context of constant global transformations were discussed. These sessions, held in the states of Carabobo and Lara, were aimed at very particular actors: occupational doctors and psychologists, as two fundamental pillars in the prevention of occupational risks in various instances.

Author Biography

Lisbeth Soto Flores, Sociedad Venezolana de Salud Ocupacional SOVESO. Valencia Carabobo – Venezuela

Doctorando en Ciencias Médicas en la Universidad de Carabobo, Médico Especialista en Salud Ocupacional e Higiene del Ambiente Laboral, Vicepresidente Nacional de la Sociedad Venezolana de Salud Ocupacional (SOVESO), Secretaria Nacional Venezuela ante la Comisión Internacional de Salud Ocupacional (ICOH).



How to Cite

Soto Flores, L. (2025). A tour of the FECACSO 2024 Pre-Congress Events and their impact on the Scientific Community. Revista Digital La Pasión Del Saber, 15(27), 188–195. Retrieved from https://lapasiondelsaber.ujap.edu.ve/index.php/lapasiondelsaber-ojs/article/view/335