¿Secularization or post-secularization in the Social Debt Program of the Argentine Catholic University? Notes for reflection.

¿Secularization or post-secularization in the Social Debt Program of the Argentine Catholic University? Notes for reflection.


  • Jesús Nahuel Poli Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.


Genealogy, Argentine Social Debt Program, secularization, post secularization


Under the objective of circumventing the limits and scope of the different ways of understanding the role of religion in today's society, and especially, the religious dynamics in Latin American societies, in this article, we turn our eyes to the redefinition of two concepts that appear implicit, but defining the role, the location and the very definition of what religion is. I refer to the concepts of secularization and modernity. Therefore, after describing the conceptual matrix of the secularization paradigm originating in the European and Anglo-Saxon academy, and justifying its incorporation as a reading key that allows the understanding of what was the threshold, the emergence, the development and the mutation of the Argentine Social Debt Program (year 2001 - 2004) of the Argentine Catholic University, we analyzed qualitatively and genealogically the content of some documents and interviews with key informants, to problematize, on the one hand, its relevance, and demonstrate, on the other, because what is called the post-secular paradigm works as a better analytical tool for our object of study.

Author Biography

Jesús Nahuel Poli , Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.

Poli Jesús Nahuel: Licenciado en Sociología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Estudiante de la Maestría en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales de la misma universidad.


2022-07-01 — Updated on 2022-08-02


How to Cite

Poli , J. N. (2022). ¿Secularization or post-secularization in the Social Debt Program of the Argentine Catholic University? Notes for reflection. Revista Digital La Pasión Del Saber, 12(22), 63–72. Retrieved from https://lapasiondelsaber.ujap.edu.ve/index.php/lapasiondelsaber-ojs/article/view/42 (Original work published July 1, 2022)