El El Derecho a una Vida Vivible: Una visión a la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sustentable

El El Derecho a una Vida Vivible

Una visión a la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sustentable


  • María del Carmen Mamposo Hernández Universidad Fermín Toro


Vida vivible, Derechos Humanos, Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible


The research arises with the purpose of interpreting the human right that every person has to have a livable life, being closely related or interconnected with the objective of the 2030 agenda, for Sustainable Development. The study has the objective of interpreting the right to a livable life from the vision of the 2030 agenda, for Sustainable Development, starting from a hermeneutical perspective. The research is documentary, framed in the qualitative paradigm. Every person has the right to a livable life, which means having quality of life, with it we refer to a concept that alludes to various levels of generality, from social or community well-being to certain specific aspects of an individual or group nature. , which is to be a human right. These rights have evolved according to each era, they are rights inherent to the person and that by the mere fact of being so are awarded the same, that is to say that every person possesses them. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is based on the basis of universal human rights, therefore, for its effective fulfillment, all countries must apply and implement the treaties and commitments acquired on human rights, with the In order to offer and guarantee a livable life, that is, a better quality of life for all people, it is an opportunity that is key to generating transformations and conditions that respond to and promote the development of all people in their environment.



Author Biography

María del Carmen Mamposo Hernández, Universidad Fermín Toro

Lcda. en Educación UNA. Yaracuy. Año: 2002.

MCs en Planificación y Evaluación de la Educación, USM Caracas año 2007   

Abogada, UFT. Año 2014

Especialista en Derecho Penal. UBA Edo. Aragua. 2018.

Especialización en DDHH. UNA. Yaracuy. 2021.

Docente de aula desde 1987 hasta 2003. M.P.P.E.

Docente Director desde 2003 hasta 2019. M.P.P.E.

Docente por hora. Desde 2016 hasta la actualidad UFT.

Doctorante en Ciencias para el Desarrollo Estratégico UBV. 2022.

Cursante de la Maestría en Educación Abierta y a Distancia. UNA. 2022.

Cursante de Especialización en Derecho Procesal Civil. UNERG. 2022.



How to Cite

Mamposo Hernández, M. del C. (2023). El El Derecho a una Vida Vivible: Una visión a la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sustentable. Revista Digital La Pasión Del Saber, 13(23), 4–18. Retrieved from https://lapasiondelsaber.ujap.edu.ve/index.php/lapasiondelsaber-ojs/article/view/87