Orientación familiar. Un proceso necesario para enfrentar los desafíos de una sociedad en transformación permanente

Orientación familiar. Un proceso necesario para enfrentar los desafíos de una sociedad en transformación permanente



family orientation, advice, family models, autonomy, socio-affective-emotional competences



The family as a primary socialization factor and base nucleus of society, currently goes through obstacles and difficulties that merit systematic, organized and planned support, in which the full development of the skills, competencies and capacities of both parents and children are favored. Tensions, depressions, lack of communication, a sense of responsibility, mutual recognition and frustration are part of the situations that require a comprehensive and holistic approach, in which each member of the family discovers which behaviors and conducts they must transform and those that must be reinforced or adjusted in order to guarantee higher levels of quality of life, coexistence and well-being. In response to these requirements, this essay reports a documentary review in which a theoretical-conceptual approach to family counseling is offered, as well as their contributions to the development and multidimensional transformation of family models; Likewise, and in consideration of the migratory process that Venezuela is going through, a series of strategies are proposed to address fragmented and dysfunctional families, as a result of the absence of any of their members. It is concluded that family orientation constitutes a process associated with human development, which favors the strategic resolution of conflictive situations, the substitution of negative habits and the adoption of positive behaviors that result in the construction of an appropriate psychological and family climate for coexistence.

Author Biography

Jesús Alfredo Morales Carrero, Universidad de Los Andes

Licenciado en Educación y Politólogo (U.L.A). Magister en Educación mención Orientación Educativa (U.P.E.L) y Magister Educación mención Lectura y Escritura (U.L.A).  Candidato a Doctor en Antropología (U.L.A). Docente de Psicología general y Orientación educativa de la Universidad de Los Andes. Escuelas de Criminología, Derecho y Educación. Investigador reconocido por el Programa de Estímulo a la Investigación (P.E.I.) y por el Programa de Estímulo a la Docencia (P.E.D).Venezuela.



How to Cite

Morales Carrero, J. A. (2023). Orientación familiar. Un proceso necesario para enfrentar los desafíos de una sociedad en transformación permanente. Revista Digital La Pasión Del Saber, 13(23), 41–64. Retrieved from https://lapasiondelsaber.ujap.edu.ve/index.php/lapasiondelsaber-ojs/article/view/107