Think Critically. A Desideratum of Multimodal Education

Think Critically. A Desideratum of Multimodal Education



Critical thinking, divergent questions, educational multimodal system, educational end


The decisive importance of the social process of education for a country is unquestionable, it cannot be left to the free will of those who teach, and must be oriented according to the development expectations established by the State, embodied in the national educational purposes established in laws and norms. Critical thinking is a desideratum of the Venezuelan Educational System, therefore it is expected that all learners, as a result of carrying out learning activities, at all educational levels and knowledge areas, achieve the competence to make the best decisions, both personal and social, decisions resulting from a systematic thought process leading to the construction of the arguments that support them. Educational virtualization has not changed that purpose, but rather digital-based instructional resources have emerged to make synchronous and asynchronous learning activities viable, which must guarantee the construction of true virtual communities, characterized by argumentative dialogues, these product of the formulation of divergent questions, in which the student seeks answers after answers, to learn more about the subject under discussion. To develop critical thinking, in face-to-face, mixed, virtual scenarios, in short, multimodal systems, only requires that the teacher detonates the student's thinking, through the assertive application of the forgotten, but powerful, question technique to guide learning encounters. Raising awareness of the importance of this type of thinking and the power of this simple didactic strategy to develop it, in any educational setting, is the purpose of this reflection.

Author Biographies

Haydee Guillermina Páez. , Universidad José Antonio Páez

Páez, Haydee Guillermina. Doctor en Educación. Facilitadora, mediadora y tutora en estudios de postgrado. Investigadora PEII Nivel C. Autora, coautora de libros, artículos científicos. Árbitro nacional e internacional de revistas indexadas. Conferencista nacional e internacional. Rectora de la Universidad José Antonio Páez, San Diego, estado Carabobo. Venezuela. E-mails:, Código ORCID:

Luis Guillermo José De Sousa, Universidad de Carabobo

De Sousa, Luis Guillermo José. Especialista en Automatización Industrial. Magister en Gerencia de la Construcción. Autor de artículos en revistas indexadas. Ponente en eventos académicos nacionales. Facilitador, mediador, tutor en estudios de pregrado y postgrado. Profesor Agregado, Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Carabobo. E-mail: Código ORCID: 

Evelyn Cristina Arreaza, Harleyville-Ridgeville Middle School

Arreaza, Evelyn Cristina. Magister en Literatura Venezolana. Profesora Asociado, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Carabobo. Docente de Español del Distrito Escolar Dorchester. Summerville. Carolina del Sur. Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Publicaciones sobre TIC y Procesos de Enseñanza de la Lengua y la Literatura. E-mail:  Código ORCID:



How to Cite

Páez. , H. G. . ., De Sousa, L. G. J. . ., & Arreaza, E. C. . . (2022). Think Critically. A Desideratum of Multimodal Education. Revista Digital La Pasión Del Saber, 12(22), 3–10. Retrieved from